
Kamis, 02 Februari 2017

Pesta Yesus Dipersembahkan di Bait Allah
Mal. 3:1-4 atau Ibr. 2:14-18; Mzm. 24:7,8,9,10; Luk. 2:22-40 (Luk. 2:22-32).

"Jubilate Deo - Pujilah Tuhan."
Inilah ajakan iman supaya kita mempersembahkan suka-duka hidup dengan penuh pujian kepadaNya.

Adapun beberapa tokoh yang berperan, antara lain:

1.Yusuf dan Maria:
Mereka mengantar dan menyerahkan Yesus kepada Bapa.Dengan kata lain: kita diajak untuk mau mengantar dan menyerahkan keluarga kita kepada Tuhan. Adapun persembahan sepasang burung tekukur menunjukkan bahwa mereka adalah keluarga sederhana (Im 12:8). Ya, sejak awal, Tuhan memilih untuk hadir di tengah orang sederhana. (Luk 9:58; Mat 8:20; Why 2:9).
Ia adalah orang yang "benar/tulus" (Luk 1:6). Ini adalah terjemahan dari kata Yun: “dikaios” (Ibr: yasher), artinya "lurus". Dalam Perjanjian Lama, kata ini tidak hanya berarti kepatuhan kepada perintah tapi menunjukkan bahwa ia benar di hadapan Allah, baik dalam hati maupun tindakan (Maz 32:2) dengan beberapa dasar:

a) Kebenaran yg dicari adalah kebenaran yang datang dari hati, berdasar harapan dan iman yang benar kepada Allah serta kasih kepada Allah (Ul 4:10,29; 5:29). Keadaan hati seperti ini juga terlihat dalam diri Zakaria yang hidup menurut "segala perintah Tuhan (Luk 1:6; Kej 7:1; 1Raj 9:4).

b) Orang benar bukan orang yang sempurna.
Ketika berdosa, mereka memperoleh pengampunan dg jalan mempersembahkan korban kpd Allah sebagai pertobatan iman (Im 4:27-35). Adapun, simeon setia kepada Allah. Ia mempunyai kesabaran dan kerinduan iman, yang berjaga-jaga sepanjang malam, sambil menantikan tuannya kembali (Mat 24:45-47) krn berkat terbesar kita ialah memandang wajah Kristus (Luk 2:26; Why 22:4), siap siaga dan hidup selamanya di hadapan Dia (Why 21:1-22:21).

3. Hana:
Ia adalah seorang nabi perempuan yg bertekun dan berharap akan kedatangan Kristus. Ia mengabdikan dirinya kepada Tuhan, "berpuasa dan berdoa" siang malam. Ia terus menyenangkan hati Tuhan dengan sepenuhnya menyerahkan diri kepadaNya (1Kor 7:32-35).

Bagaimana dengan kita?

"Cari baju di Korintus - Mari maju bersama Kristus."

B."Sagrada Familia-Keluarga Kudus."
Inilah nama gereja megah di Spanyol yang sampai hari ini masih belum selesai pembangunannya. Kitapun diajak untuk selalu berjuang membentuk keluarga kudus karna keluarga adalah "ecclesia domestica-gereja basis".

Adapun "core values" untuk setiap keluarga yang mengandung 4 ajakan iman ( KE-cilkan emosi, LU-askan isi hati, AR-ahkan ke ilahi, dan GA-lang relasi ), antara lain:

a.Mencintai keimanan:
Yosef dan Maria hadir sebagai orang yang taat dan mencintai tradisi keimanannya. Mereka setia membawa Yesus untuk dipersembahkan ke Bait Allah: "Semua anak laki-laki sulung harus dikuduskan bagi Allah" (Luk 2:23). Sebagaimana Yusuf-Maria dahulu mencintai keimanannya dan mempersembahkan Yesus, demikianlah kita juga harus semakin beriman dan menyerahkan "hidup": suka duka dan pahit manis, semua anggota keluarga kita kepada Tuhan (Lat: Familia, Ing: Family, "Father And Mother I Love You").

b.Mencintai kesederhanaan:
Adapun persembahan sepasang burung tekukur menunjukkan bahwa Yusuf dan Maria itu adalah orang sederhana (Im 12:8). Dengan kata laiin: Sejak awal Yesus telah digolongkan sebagai orang sederhana dan mencintai orang2 yang sederhana (Luk 9:58; Mat 8:20; Why 2:9). Lihatlah Natal: Yesus lahir di kandang hewan dan dihadiri oleh para gembala yang sederhana.

c.Mencintai ketulusan:
Selain Yosef dan Maria, Simeon dan Hana dihadirkan sebagai orang yang "benar/tulus"(Luk 1:6). Ini adalah terjemahan dari kata Yunani: dikaios (Ibr: "yasher, lurus"). Dalam Perjanjian Lama, kata ini tidak hanya berarti kepatuhan kepada perintah tapi menunjukkan bahwa kita menjadi benar di hadapan Allah, baik dalam hati/tindakan (Maz 32:2). Inilah kebenaran yang datang dari hati, berdasarkan iman yang benar kepada Allah serta kasih dan takut akan Allah (Ul 4:10,29; 5:29), yang hidup menurut "segala perintah dan ketetapan Tuhan" (Luk 1:6; Kej 7:1; 1Raj 9:4).
"Dari Telaga ke Sungai Gangga - Bersama keluarga mencapai surga."

C."Nunc dimittis!"
Inilah penggalan awal Kidung Simeon ketika Yesus dipersembahkan di Kenisah pada hari ini. Adapun "3K" supaya kita juga bisa menjadi persembahan yang hidup, antara lain:

Dipersembahkan berarti dikhususkan, yakni dikuduskan sebagai milik Allah. Nah, bersama Yesus yang dipersembahkan, ada juga dua nabi yang penuh Roh Kudus: Simeon seorang yang benar dan saleh hidupnya serta Hana seorang yang tidak pernah meninggalkan Bait Allah yang sepanjang hari berdoa dan berpuasa kepada Tuhan. Mereka peka akan kedatangan Keluarga Kudus karena terbiasa untuk hidup kudus. Dengan kata lain: Kita juga diajak untuk peka terhadap suara Tuhan dengan berlaku kudus setiap harinya.

Dalam Imamat 12:1-8, Tuhan memerintahkan agar 40 hari setelah melahirkan, seorang ibu harus ditahirkan dan pada saat pentahiran, si anak sekaligus dipersembahkan kepada Tuhan (ay.6-8). Mereka diwajibkan membawa persembahan domba dan seekor burung merpati/tekukur (ay. 6). Tapi, jika tidak mampu, mereka cukup membawa 2 ekor burung tekukur/merpati. Inilah yang dibuat Yosef dan Maria. Mereka adalah orang yang sederhana tapi tetap total mengikuti hukum Tuhan. Mereka sepenuh hati datang dari desa Nazareth ke kota Yerusalem dengan membawa 2 ekor merpati.

Tradisi Gereja Universal kerap memeriahkan pesta ini dengan prosesi lilin + pemberkatan lilin("Candlemass") bersama kidung "Nunc Dimittis servum tuum Domine secundum verbum tuum in pace-quia viderunt oculi mei salutare tuum-quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum." Disini, Gereja menekankan dimensi kebersamaan, bahwa iman tidak hanya berdimensi vertikal yakni personal kepada Allah tapi juga berdimensi horisontal yakni sosial/comunal kepada sesama. Ya, seperti Yosef dan Maria, kita juga diajak untuk mempersembahkan dan membawa keluarga kita smakin dekat dan hangat dengan Tuhan.

"Ada karang di Tamansari - Jadilah terang setiap hari."

D.2 February 
"The favor of God was upon him"
Scripture: Luke 2:22-40
Alternate reading: Mark 5:21-43

And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, "Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord") and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons." Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ.

And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, "Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel." And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be revealed."

And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher; she was of a great age, having lived with her husband seven years from her virginity, and as a widow till she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day. And coming up at that very hour she gave thanks to God, and spoke of him to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem. And when they had performed everything according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their own city, Nazareth. And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.

Do you know the favor of the Lord? After Jesus' birth, Mary fulfills the Jewish right of purification after childbirth. Since she could not afford the customary offering of a lamb, she gives instead two pigeons as an offering of the poor. This rite, along with circumcision and the redemption of the first-born point to the fact that children are gifts from God. Jesus was born in an ordinary home where there were no luxuries. Like all godly parents, Mary and Joseph raised their son in the fear and wisdom of God. He, in turn, was obedient to them and grew in wisdom and grace. The Lord's favor is with those who listen to his word with trust and obedience. Do you know the joy of submission to God? And do you seek to pass on the faith and to help the young grow in wisdom and maturity?

The Holy Spirit reveals the presence of the Savior of the world
What is the significance of Simeon's encounter with the baby Jesus and his mother in the temple? Simeon was a just and devout man who was very much in tune with the Holy Spirit. He believed that the Lord would return to his temple and renew his chosen people. The Holy Spirit also revealed to him that the Messiah and King of Israel would also bring salvation to the Gentile nations. When Joseph and Mary presented the baby Jesus in the temple, Simeon immediately recognized this humble child of Bethlehem as the fulfillment of all the messianic prophecies, hopes, and prayers. Inspired by the Holy Spirit he prophesied that Jesus was to be "a revealing light to the Gentiles". The Holy Spirit reveals the presence of the Lord to those who are receptive and eager to receive him. Do you recognize the indwelling presence of the Lord with you?

The 'new temple' of God's presence in the world
Jesus is the new temple (John 1:14; 2:19-22). In the Old Testament God manifested his presence in the "pillar of cloud" by day and the "pillar of fire" by night as he led them through the wilderness. God's glory visibly came to dwell over the ark and the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38). When the first temple was built in Jerusalem God's glory came to rest there (1 Kings 8). After the first temple was destroyed, Ezekiel saw God's glory leave it (Ezekiel 10). But God promised one day to fill it with even greater glory (Haggai 2:1-9; Zechariah 8-9). That promise is fulfilled when the "King of Glory" himself comes to his temple (Psalm 24:7-10; Malachi 3:1). Through Jesus' coming in the flesh and through his saving death, resurrection, and ascension we are made living temples of his Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). Ask the Lord to renew your faith in the indwelling presence of his Spirit within you. And give him thanks and praise for coming to make his home with you.

Mary receives both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow
Simeon blessed Mary and Joseph and he prophesied to Mary about the destiny of this child and the suffering she would undergo for his sake. There is a certain paradox for those blessed by the Lord. Mary was given the blessedness of being the mother of the Son of God. That blessedness also would become a sword which pierced her heart as her Son died upon the cross. She received both a crown of joy and a cross of sorrow. But her joy was not diminished by her sorrow because it was fueled by her faith, hope, and trust in God and his promises. Jesus promised his disciples that "no one will take your joy from you" (John 16:22). The Lord gives us a supernatural joy which enables us to bear any sorrow or pain and which neither life nor death can take way. Do you know the peace and joy of a life surrendered to God with faith and trust?

The Holy Spirit renews our hope in the promise of God
Simeon was not alone in recognizing the Lord's presence in the temple. Anna, too, was filled with the Holy Spirit. She was found daily in the temple, attending to the Lord in prayer and speaking prophetically to others about God's promise to send a redeemer. Supernatural hope grows with prayer and age! Anna was pre-eminently a woman of great hope and expectation that God would fulfill all his promises. She is a model of godliness to all believers as we advance in age.

Advancing age and the disappointments of life can easily make us cynical and hopeless if we do not have our hope rightly placed. Anna's hope in God and his promises grew with age. She never ceased to worship God in faith and to pray with hope. Her hope and faith in God's promises fueled her indomitable zeal and fervor in prayer and service of God's people.

Our hope is anchored in God's everlasting kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy
What do you hope for? The hope which God places in our heart is the desire for the kingdom of heaven and everlasting life and happiness with our heavenly Father. The Lord Jesus has won for us a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). The Holy Spirit gives hope to all who place their trust in the promises of God. God never fails because his promises are true and he is faithful. The hope which God places within us through the gift of the Spirit enables us to persevere with confident trust in God even in the face of trails, setbacks, and challenges that may come our way.
Is there anything holding you back from giving God your unqualified trust and submission to his will for your life? Allow the Lord Jesus to flood your heart with his peace, joy, and love. And offer to God everything you have and desire - your life, family, friends, health, honor, wealth, and future. If you seek his kingdom first he will give you everything you need to know, love, and serve him now and enjoy him forever.

"Lord Jesus, you are my hope and my life. May I never cease to place all my trust in you. Fill me with the joy and strength of the Holy Spirit that I may boldly point others to your saving presence and words of eternal life."

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers:
"For this reason it seems wonderful that the sacrifice of Mary was not the first offering, that is, 'a lamb a year old,' but the second, since 'she could not afford' (Leviticus 5:7) the first. For as it was written about her, Jesus' parents came 'to offer a sacrifice' for him,'according to what is said in the law of the Lord, "a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons."' But this also shows the truth of what was written, that Jesus Christ 'although he was rich, became a poor man' (2 Corinthians 8:9). Therefore, for this reason, he chose both a poor mother, from whom he was born, and a poor homeland, about which it is said, 'But you, O Bethlehem Ephratha, who are little to be among the clans of Judah' (Micah 5:2), and the rest." (Origen of Alexandria, 185-254 A.D., excerpt from Homilies on Leviticus 8.4.3)

Ajarilah aku agar aku mampu mendengarkan, ya Allah
Ajarilah aku agar aku mampu mendengarkan, ya Allah penyelenggara
Ajarilah aku agar aku mampu mendengarkan, ya Allah sang pencipta
Ajarilah aku agar aku mampu mendengarkan, ya Allah Roh Kudus,
Mendengarkan suaraMu,
Dalam kesibukan dan kebosanan,
Dalam situasi serba pasti dan serba ragu
Dalam kebisingan dan dalam keheningan.
Ajarilah aku Ya Tuhan, agar aku mampu mendengarkan.
“Mengapa kita harus membela diri ketika kita disalahpahami atau dihakimi dengan keliru? Tinggalkanlah hal itu. Mari kita tidak mengucapkan apapun.
Merupakan hal yang manis untuk membiarkan orang lain menghakimi kita dengan cara yang mereka suka. Oh keheningan yang terberkati, yang memberi begitu banyak kedamaian bagi jiwa!”
POLA “737”
Love : Kasih
Mark 12:29,31, Luk 6:27,36
Unity : Kesatuan
Yoh 17:11
Service : Karya Pelayanan
Mat 20:25,28
Giving : Kepasrahan
Mark 12:43, 44, Luk 21:1,4
Faith-Prayer : Kepercayaan
Mat 14:31; 21:21,22, Luk 11:2,4; 18:1
Joy : Kegembiraan
Yoh 17:13
Witness : Kesaksian
Mat 10:32, Mark 6:7
1. Servant ( Hamba).
Tiga ciri pokoknya:
Melayani, Mendukung, Memberdayakan (Service, Support and Empowerment)
Mendengarkan, Empathy,
Healing ( penyembuhan), Persuasi,
Komitment kepada pelayanan,
Komitmen pada pertumbuhan manusia,
Membangun komunitas,
Mendengarkan dulu sampai tahu situasinya,
Kembangkan intuisi dan kemampuan untuk “melihat yang tak terlihat” ( unforeseeable),
 Pimpin dengan persuasi,
Mengkonsep dan mengajak untuk melihat kemungkinan2 perbaikan,
Memberdayakan dengan menunjukkan peluang2 dan alternatif bagi yang dilayani.
2. Shepherd (Gembala).
Tiga ciri pokoknya:
Peduli, Berani dan Teladan (Caring , Courage and Guidance)
Gembala mengenal dombanya (memanggil nama),
Selalu hadir, siap sedia dan bisa didekati bila dibutuhkan,
Siap memimpin di depan.
Domba-domba mengikuti dia,
Siap mati membela domba.
Berani ambil resiko untuk melindungi dari bahaya,
Gembala memandu dan mengarahkan,
Siap mencari domba yang hilang,
Memiliki semangat berkorban,
Tuhanlah Gembalaku, tak kan kekurangan aku (Mzm.23),
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care (JC.Maxwell),
If you are not shepherds, you are wolves (David L.Dotlich).
3. Steward (Minister).
Tiga ciri pokoknya:
Mampu dipercaya, Bertanggungjawab, Mampu digugat (Trustworthy , Responsible, and Accountable)
Orang kepercayaan : dapat dipercaya , jujur dan transparan.
Bertanggungjawab : Tuan sedang pergi maka semua kebutuhan harus dicukupi sampai tuannya kembali.
Bertanggung gugat : Mereka yang diberi banyak akan diminta banyak.
1. Ia memperhatikan dan peduli pada kebutuhan orang.
– Ia menyembuhkan banyak orang sakit.
2. Ia berani berkonfrontasi, bahkan terhadap institusi.
– Ia mengusir para pedagang di Bait Allah.
3. Ia membongkar stigma.
– Ia berbicara normal dengan seorang wanita.
4. Ia terbuka pada dialog.
– Ia berkunjung dan menginap di rumah Zakeus.
5. Ia melibatkan banyak orang lain.
- Ia memilih dan mengutus para muridNya.
6. Ia memberikan contoh/teladan.
– Ia mencuci kaki para muridNya.
7. Ia mengorbankan hidupnya untuk menjadi pendamai.
– Ia rela memanggul dan wafat tergantung di salib.
Salam HIKers,
Tuhan memberkati & Bunda merestui
Fiat Lux - Be the Light -
Jadilah Terang!
(Gen 1:3)

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