
Sabtu, 04 Februari 2017

Ibr 13:15-17.20-21; Mrk 6:30-34

“In nomine Dei feliciter – Dalam nama Tuhan semoga berbuah”.
Itulah salah satu harapan yang ditampakkan Yesus yang juga saya tulis dama buku “Mimbar Altar” (RJK, Kanisius).
Harapan yang penuh semangat iman dan kasih inilah yang menjadi dasar dari karya dan warta Yesus bersama para muridNya sehingga mereka selalu membawa semua warta dan karyanya dalam nama Tuhan.

Adapun tiga jalan supaya kita semakin berbuah dalam nama Tuhan, al:

Setelah berkarya, Yesus tak lupa mengajak mereka u/mengadakan refleksi. Kita juga diajak u/selalu masuk ke ruang hati: meluangkan waktu u/berdoa, setelah sibuk dengan karya, agar tidak dihanyut-larutkan o/afeksi, emosi, friksi - ambisi serta terpaan dan gosipan.
Dalam keheningan, bukankah kita lebih mudah menggapai kedalaman? Bukankah seorang empu pembuat keris, tidak cuma membuat pisau tajam berkelak-kelok belaka, tapi harus ada pamor nya? Bukankah seorang penari tidak cuma menari dg baik, tapi harus memiliki greget nya? Bukankah "pamor dan greget" itu bisa dicapai dalam "sabat"-perjumpaan pribadi dalam hadirat hening dengan Tuhan?

Walaupun Yesus dan para murid sedang “off track/libur”, tapi hatiNya selalu “on track/lembur”: tergerak o/belas kasihan.
Ya, kendati lelah-lapar dan haus, Yesus mengajak kita u/selalu berani bertransfomasi/berubah haluan dari “ego-sentris ke kristus-sentris, menjadi pribadi yang beriman sekaligus berbelarasa.
Bukankah seperti harapan Paulus, “kita adalah surat cinta Tuhan, yang ditulis bukan dengan tinta di atas loh batu, tapi dengan roh pada hati?

Doa tak terpisah dari karya. Inilah sebuah hidup dan iman yang ber-integritas, utuh-penuh dan menyeluruh. Dalam bahasa Bunda Teresa yang juga saya tulis dalam buku “HERSTORY” (RJK, Kanisius): 
The fruit of silence is prayer, 
The fruit of prayer is faith, 
The fruit of faith is love,
The fruit of love is service,
The fruit of service is peace”
Disinilah, doa menjadi kekuatan karya sekaligus karya menjadi buah-buah dari doa kita.
Sudahkah kita juga beriman dengan utuh dan penuh?

“Kayu jati di Jati Asih – Milikilah hati yang selalu berbelaskasih”.

Salam HIKers,
Tuhan memberkati & Bunda merestui
Fiat Lux - Be the Light -
Jadilah Terang!
(Gen 1:3)


1."Compassion - Belas kasihan."
Inilah suatu perasaan kasih yang menggerakkan hati, yang membuat seseorang merasa ber-empati, sedih melihat derita sesamanya dan disertai dorongan yang kuat untuk menolong, tergerak dan bergerak. Mengacu pada bacaan hari ini, belas kasihan sendiri merupakan ciri khas Allah. (Ul 30:3; 2Raj 13:23; Maz 78:38; Maz 111:4) dan PutraNya Yesus (Mr 1:41; Mat 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; Luk 7:13;Mr 8:2).
Adapun tiga tingkatan belas kasih, yakni: “KUD”: 
K arya belas kasih, 
U capan belas kasih
D oa yang penuh belas kasih.
Pastinya, kita semua dipanggil untuk mengamalkan ketiga tingkatan belas kasih ini, tetapi tidak semua kita dipanggil dengan cara sama. Kita perlu datang kepada Tuhan, yang memahami pribadi dan situasi kita, untuk menolong kita mengenali berbagai macam cara dengan mana kita masing-masing dapat menyatakan belas kasih-Nya dalam hidup kita sehari-hari.
Gereja selalu menganjurkan beberapa karya belas kasih secara jasmani, antara lain:
beri makan yang lapar-
beri minum yang haus-
beri tumpangan yang gelandangan-
mengenakan pakaian untuk yang telanjang-
mengunjungi orang miskin/tahanan
serta menguburkan orang mati.
Sedangkan karya belas kasih rohani, antara lain:
memberi nasehat-
membesarkan hati-
menanggung dengan sabar hati-
mendoakan yang lain.
Yang pasti, betapa Tuhan kita menekankan hal ini kepada St Faustina:
“Aku menghendaki dari kalian perbuatan-perbuatan belas kasih yang timbul karena kasih kepada-Ku. Hendaklah kalian menunjukkan belas kasih kepada sesama di setiap waktu dan di setiap tempat.
Janganlah kalian berkecil hati atau berusaha mencari-cari alasan untuk tidak melakukannya. Bahkan iman yang terkuat sekalipun tak akan ada gunanya tanpa perbuatan."
Bagaimana dengan kita?

"Dari Brastagi ke Pulau Bali - Mari saling berbagi dan berpeduli."

2.“Pastor Bonus – Gembala Baik!”
Inilah salah satu identitas Yesus, yang hatiNya mudah tergerak oleh belas kasihan.

Adapun tiga sikap gembala baik, antara lain:

"Marilah kita pergi ke tempat yang sunyi, supaya kita sendirian dan beristirahatlah sejenak!"
Mereka bekerja tp tidak mabuk kerja.
Mereka ikut sibuk tp tidak larut dan hanyut dalam kesibukan.Mereka menyadari perlunya keseimbangan.

Ketika Yesus melihat orang banyak, hati-Nya tergerak oleh belas kasihan. Inilah suatu perasaan kasih yang menggerakkan hati, yang membuat seseorang merasa ber-empati, sedih melihat derita sesamanya dan disertai dorongan yang kuat untuk menolong, tergerak dan bergerak.
Inilah ciri khas Allah (Ul 30:3; 2Raj 13:23; Maz 78:38; Maz 111:4) dan Yesus (Mr 1:41; Mat 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; Luk 7:13;Mr 8:2).
Dengan kata lain: Kasih-Nya adalah kasih yg penuh kerahiman, walaupun yg lain “libur”, Ia tetap “lembur” untuk terus mewartakan kerahiman ilahiNya. Ia selalu memberi, tidak pernah merasa cukup/selesai. Love always feel inadequate.

Keprihatinan Yesus melihat orang banyak terlantar mengingatkan kita akan keprihatinan Musa di akhir pengembaraan bangsa Israel:
"Biarlah TUHAN, Allah dari roh segala makhluk, mengangkat atas umat ini seorang yang mengepalai mereka waktu keluar dan masuk, dan membawa mereka keluar dan masuk, supaya umat TUHAN jangan hendaknya seperti domba-domba yang tidak mempunyai gembala.” (Bil 27:16-17).
Disinilah, kita diajak untuk mewujudkan panggilan sebagai gembala di tengah banyak ancaman “serigala dunia”.
"Cari jala di Kalimati - Jadilah gembala yang murah hati."

3."Come away and rest a while"
(Saturday, 4 February)

Mark 6:30-34: 
The apostles returned to Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while." For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a lonely place by themselves. Now many saw them going, and knew them, and they ran there on foot from all the towns, and got there ahead of them. As he went ashore he saw a great throng, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.

What does the image of a shepherd tell us about God's care for us? Shepherding was one of the oldest of callings in Israel, even before farming, since the Chosen People had traveled from place to place, living in tents, and driving their flocks from one pasture to another. Looking after sheep was no easy calling. It required great skill and courage. Herds were often quite large, thousands or even ten thousands of sheep. The flocks spent a good part of the year in the open country. Watching over them required a great deal of attention and care.

Stray sheep must be brought back lest they die. Sheep who strayed from the flock had to be sought out and brought back by the shepherd. Since hyenas, jackals, wolves, and even bear were common and fed on sheep, the shepherds often had to do battle with these wild and dangerous beasts.

A shepherd literally had to put his life on the line in defending his sheep. Shepherds took turns watching the sheep at night to ward off any attackers. The sheep and their shepherds continually lived together. Their life was so intimately bound together that individual sheep, even when mixed with other flocks, could recognize the voice of their own shepherd and would come immediately when called by name.

God himself leads us like a good shepherd
The Old Testament often spoke of God as shepherd of his people, Israel. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1). Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock! (Psalm 80:1) We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture (Psalm 100:3). The Messiah is also pictured as the shepherd of God's people: He will feed his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the lambs in his arms (Isaiah 40:11)

Jesus told his disciples that he was the Good Shepherd who was willing to lay down his life for his sheep (Matthew 18:12, Luke 15:4, John 10). When he saw the multitude of people in need of protection and care, he was moved to respond with compassionate concern. His love was a personal love for each and every person who came to him in need.

Jesus is the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls
Peter the apostle called Jesus the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls (1 Peter 2:25). Do you know the peace and security of a life freely submitted to Jesus, the Good Shepherd? In the person of the Lord Jesus we see the unceasing vigilance and patience of God's love. In our battle against sin and evil, Jesus is ever ready to give us help, strength, and refuge. Do you trust in his grace and help at all times?

"Lord Jesus, you guard and protect us from all evil. Help me to stand firm in your word and to trust in your help in all circumstances. May I always find rest and refuge in the shelter of your presence."

Psalm 119:9-14:
How can a young man keep his way pure? By 
guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you; let me not 
wander from your commandments! 
I have laid up your word in my heart, that I might 
not sin against you.
Blessed are you, O LORD; teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare all the ordinances of your 
In the way of your testimonies I delight as much 
as in all riches.

Daily Quote from the Early Church Fathers
"The pastures that this good shepherd has prepared for you, in which he has settled you for you to take your fill, are not various kinds of grasses and green things, among which some are sweet to the taste, some extremely bitter, which as the seasons succeed one another are sometimes there and sometimes not. Your pastures are the words of God and his commandments, and they have all been sown as sweet grasses. These pastures had been tasted by that man who said to God, 'How sweet are your words to my palate, more so than honey and the honeycomb in my mouth!' (Psalm 119:103)." 

(Augustine of Hippo, 354-430 A.D., excerpt from Sermon 366.3)

Salam HIKers,
Tuhan memberkati & Bunda merestui
Fiat Lux - Be the Light -
Jadilah Terang!
(Gen 1:3)

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