
Beato Solanus Casey

Barney Casey, menjadi seorang Pastor yang sangat terkenal di Detroit, walaupun ia tidak secara resmi diperbolehkan berkotbah dan mendengar pengakuan.
Barney berasal dari keluarga besar di Oak Grove, Wisconsin, Amerika. Pada umur 21 tahun, setelah sebelumnya sempat bekerja sebagai penebang kayu, perawat di rumah jompo, supir angkutan umum, dan penjaga penjara, ia masuk Seminari St. Francis di Milwaukee, di mana ia merasa pelajarannya sangat sulit baginya.
Dkl: Menurut standar manusia belaka, kehidupan Solanus Casey bukanlah sebuah kisah sukses besar. Ia seorang siswa biasa-biasa saja yang tak bisa mengikuti irama kehidupan seminari keuskupan, dan nyaris tak berhasil melewati tahapan seminaris biarawan kapusin.
Ia meninggalkan Seminari, dan pada tahun 1896, bergabung dengan para Fransiskan Capuchins di Detroit, dan mengambil nama Solanus. Namun pelajaran untuk menjadi seorang Pastor kembali terasa sulit baginya.
Pada 24 Juli 1904, Solanus ditahbiskan, namun karena pengetahuannya akan teologi dianggap kurang, ia tak diperbolehkan untuk mendengarkan pengakuan dan berkotbah. Ya, ketika akhirnya ia ditahbiskan, mereka menjadikannya seorang "imam simpleks" - seorang imam yang tidak diizinkan untuk mendengar pengakuan atau menyampaikan kotbah doktrinal. Jadi Casey menghabiskan limapuluh tiga tahun pelayanan rendah sebagai sakristan dan penjaga pintu.
Meski demikian, dengan senang hati Casey menerima perhentian sederhana ini dalam hidupnya, dan Tuhan menganugerahi dia dengan suatu karunia pelayanan rohani dan penyembuhan ilahi yang luar biasa. Dia hadir sebagai biarawan sederhana yang perhatian penuh kasihnya terhadap orang-orang biasa mengubah ribuan jiwa secara dramatis.
Seorang Fransiskan lain yang mengenalnya dengan dekat mengatakan bahwa pelarangan terhadapnya itu justru "memberi kepadanya suatu kebesaran dan kekudusan yang tak akan terjadi atau disadari, jika tidak ada hal (pelarangan) itu".
Selama puluhan tahun, ia menjadi penjaga pintu dan penjaga Sakristi di Yonkers, New York, orang-orang yang mengenalnya mengatakan bahwa ia dapat berbicara dengan baik.
James Derum, penulis biografinya menuliskan, "walaupun ia dilarang menyampaikan kotbah tentang ajaran Gereja dan doktrin, ia dalam pembicaraan sehari-hari, mampu memberi kata-kata inspirasi, feverinos, dalam ungkapan khas Capuchins. Kedalaman spiritualnya mempesona orang yang berbincang dengannya."
Solanus selama hidupnya juga membantu di dapur umum Capuchins yang menyediakan makanan bagi kaum papa pada masa kesusahan besar di masa itu.
Pada upacara penguburannya, Pastor Provincial mengatakan tentangnya :
"Hidupnya adalah pelayanan dan cinta kepada orang seperti kau dan aku.
Dia sendiri tidak sakit, tapi ia ikut menderita bersama yang sakit.
Ia sendiri tidak kelaparan, tapi ia merasakan kelaparan yang dirasakan orang lapar.
Ia mempunyai kasih Ilahi kepada orang-orang.
Ia mengasihi orang dengan melakukan apa yang dapat ia lakukan untuk mereka, dan mengasihi Allah, melalui orang-orang itu."
Pada tahun 1960, sebuah serikat "Father Solanus" dibentuk di Detroit untuk membantu para seminaris Capuchins. Sampai pada tahun 1967, anggotanya mencapai 5 ribu orang, dan banyak anggota merasa bersyukur dengan teladan Solanus dan penghiburannya bahwa Allah tak pernah meninggalkan mereka dalam pencobaan dan perjuangan masing-masing mereka.
Solanus Casey dinyatakan "Terberkati/Blessed" 18 November 2017 dan ia dibeatifikasi dalam Misa Kudus di Ford Field di Detroit USA pada tanggal 18 November 2017 ini.
Paus Fransiskus menyatakan tentang nya bahwa, "Yang berbahagia, pelayan Tuhan, Fransiskus Solanus, yang kita kenal sebagai Bernard Casey, pastor OFM Cap, seorang yang rendah hati dan murid setia Kristus, tak pernah lelah dalam melayani yang miskin, karenanya kini disebut Blessed.
Misa Beatifikasinya adalah perayaan Misa biasa Katolik, namun ramai dihadiri sekitar 70,000 orang yang datang dari berbagai wilayah Amerika, termasuk 4 orang Kardinal, 500an orang Pastor, dan 235 rahib Fransiskan.
Misa Beatifikasi Pastor Solanus ini yang diadakan di Detroit, adalah yang terbesar sejak Misa bersama St. Yoh Paulus II tahun 1987, yang saat itu dihadiri 90,000 umat.
Quotes of Father Solanus Casey :
“Thank God ahead of time.”
“Religion is the science of our happy relationship with, and dependence on God and our neighbor.”
“Blessed be God in all His designs!”
“Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature.”
“We want to be Christians – spouses of Jesus – risen and glorified of course, but without getting too near the cross.”
“Mary gave birth to Christ in a manger at Bethlehem – and to the rest of us thirty-three years later, under the cross at Calvary.”
“We must be faithful to the present Moment or we will frustrate the plan of God for our lives.”
Salam HIKers,
Tuhan memberkati & Bunda merestui
Fiat Lux - Be the Light -
Jadilah Terang!
(Gen 1:3)
Venerable Solanus Casey, a Capuchin priest from Wisconsin, was humble before all else, said the postulator of his cause for sainthood.
The life of Casey is the story of his “humility, his simplicity, as well as his acceptance of whatever life gave him,” Franciscan-Capuchin Father Carlo Calloni told Catholic News Agency Nov. 15.
Casey is an American-born Capuchin priest who died in 1957. He will be beatified at a Nov. 18 Mass in Detroit. Known for his great faith, attention to the sick, and ability as a spiritual counselor, he will be the second American-born male to be beatified.
As the general postulator for the Order of Friars Minor-Capuchin, Calloni is well-versed in the life and virtues of Casey, whom he told CNA had a gift for listening and for consolation.
“He became the friar at the door of the monastery, who welcomes your spiritual needs but also answers to your physical needs or material difficulties,” he said.
“There was no one, after visiting Solanus Casey at the door of the monastery, who returned with nothing. Everyone received something, spiritual or material.”
The priest’s humility began even in his youth, Calloni said. Born on Nov. 25, 1870 to a family of Irish immigrants, he worked from a young age at a variety of jobs, including as a lumberjack, prison guard and tram driver.
Around the age of 20, he felt a strong desire to become a priest, entering the seminary at Milwaukee. But he had many difficulties in his studies there, Calloni explained, “especially to learn German and Latin, the languages in which theology was taught” at the time.
After the seminary encouraged him to enter a religious order, he joined the Capuchin Franciscans in Detroit and after struggling through his studies, was ordained in 1904 a “sacerdos simplex” - a priest who can say Mass, but not publicly preach or hear confessions.
Because he was a “sacerdos simplex” he was given the same jobs as lay brothers of the order; he worked as an assistant to the janitor, the cook, and the tailor. For 21 years he was the porter at St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit, assigned to answer the door whenever it rang.
“He accepted performing even these humble services, and in this he fulfilled, as it is said, God’s design for him,” Calloni said.
Eventually, because of his humility and good counsel, people began to seek out Casey for spiritual guidance.
Over the course of his life “he also wrote many letters in reply to the people who asked him for advice.”
Casey died from erysipelas, a skin disease, on July 31, 1957, at the age of 87. Since then many people have received favors from his intercession. And on May 4, Pope Francis recognized a miracle attributed to his intercession, paving the way for his beatification.
Calloni said because the miracle is a “delicate” matter, he could only speak of it in general terms, but said it occurred to a Panamanian woman who was invited to visit Detroit by Capuchin Franciscan missionaries.
During her visit, the woman, who had a grave and incurable genetic skin disease, visited and prayed at Casey’s tomb. Like many devotees, she wrote a note to place at the tomb, asking for a special grace or favor.
She prayed for a long list of family and friends, but then was moved to ask for something for herself. “And she asked only to have a greater faith. This is all,” Calloni said. She was completely healed.
“The figure of Solanus Casey is well known in Detroit,” he said. “He is truly in the heart of the city. Precisely because he accepted everyone to his door. He did not refuse anyone: the color of the skin, religion, social condition. He really was a man of great spirituality, of great faith.”
Fr. Solanus Casey
Father Solanus Casey was born in Wisconsin to a large Irish family, steeped in a strong Catholic faith.
He was ordained in 1904 as a “Simplex” priest because of his less than stellar, academic work. His first assignment was in Yonkers, N.Y. where he was a sacristan, doorkeeper, and porter.
In 1924 he was assigned to St. Bonaventure in Detroit, MI. He was always open to the poor, sick and troubled souls.
The prayer of “Thanks be to God” poured continually from his lips. “Love for God and neighbor” is another recurring theme of his writings along with obedience, trust, humility, and patience

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